In a shocking incident, stones were pelted at the Vande Bharat Express on its way to Bengaluru from Delhi on Sunday. The incident happened near Bengaluru's Cantonment railway station, and several windows of the train were shattered. While no injuries were reported, the incident has raised concerns about the safety of passengers and the need for better security measures.
According to reports, the incident occurred around 7:40 pm on Sunday when the train was passing through a slum area near the Cantonment railway station. A group of miscreants, allegedly from the slum area, started pelting stones at the train, causing panic among the passengers. The train was stopped for a brief period, and the police were called in to control the situation.
The Vande Bharat Express, also known as Train 18, is India's first semi-high speed train and is equipped with modern facilities like automatic doors, Wi-Fi, and CCTV cameras. The incident has raised questions about the security measures in place to protect such a high-profile train. While the train has CCTV cameras, it is unclear if they were able to capture the incident or identify the miscreants.
The incident has also raised concerns about the safety of passengers on trains, especially those passing through sensitive areas. The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has been tasked with ensuring the safety of passengers on trains, but incidents like these raise questions about their effectiveness.
In response to the incident, the Railway Minister Piyush Goyal tweeted, "Strong action will be taken against miscreants who indulged in vandalism of Vande Bharat Express." He also stated that he has spoken to the Karnataka Chief Minister and has asked for strict action against the perpetrators.
The incident has been condemned by many, including politicians, and calls for better security measures have been made. While the investigation is ongoing, it is essential to ensure the safety of passengers on trains and take strict action against those involved in such acts of hooliganism.
In conclusion, the incident of stones being pelted at the Vande Bharat Express in Bengaluru is a worrying development that highlights the need for better security measures and vigilance on trains. The incident has raised concerns about the safety of passengers, and it is essential to take strict action against those involved in such acts of hooliganism. It is time for the authorities to take note of the situation and ensure that passengers are safe while traveling on trains.
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