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First Carnatic War


First Carnatic War

• The First Carnatic War was an extension of the Anglo-French War in Europe which was caused by the Austrian War of Succession.

• The First Carnatic War ended in 1748 when the Treaty of Aix-La Chappelle was signed bringing the Austrian War of Succession to a conclusion. Under the terms of this treaty, Madras was handed back to the English, and the French, in turn, got their territories in North America.

• The First Carnatic War is remembered for the Battle of St. Thome (in Madras) fought between the French forces and the forces of Anwarud- din, the Nawab of Carnatic, to whom the English appealed for help. A small French army defeated the strong Indian army at St. Thome on the banks of the River Adyar.

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